“我们致力于我们的城市, 我们致力于我们的社区, and we are putting our resources and our competencies to work in a way that is going to lift up the lives of the children of the Drake Neighborhood and their families.” — 威尼斯人网上娱乐校长马蒂·马丁为格雷戈里揭幕 & 苏茜·格雷泽·伯特俱乐部,八月. 23, 2019.
位于第25街和森林大道的西南角 格雷戈里 & 苏西·格雷泽·伯特俱乐部 只有第二个男孩吗 & 位于私立学院或大学校园内的女孩俱乐部. 除了为我们社区的孩子和青少年提供一个保险箱, 在放学后和暑假期间都是一个支持你的地方, the Club provides numerous educational and service opportunities for Drake students and further integrates the University with the surrounding neighborhood.
XThe Office of Information Technology Services is committed to providing Drake University with a robust and connected technology environment. ITS最近完成了两个灵活的教室, 哪些可以同时进行面对面和远程教学. 也, 作为梅雷迪思振兴计划的一部分, ITS upgraded technology in six classrooms and implemented an enhanced network design including 48 new wireless access points to improve coverage throughout the building. ITS also installed additional access points in Aliber Hall to expand the wireless network coverage. 大学强大的基础设施继续超越其目标. 自2022年初以来,关键系统已超过99台.55%的工作时间,超过绩效目标99小时以上.86%的时间.
X威尼斯人网上娱乐校友约翰·洛伦岑, BN ’77, AS ’77, and spouse Penney Fillmer challenged Drake University in late 2017 to increase its commitment to sustainable practices. 应对挑战, Drake’s Facilities Planning and Management team identified several projects that would reduce the University’s carbon footprint and save Drake more than $40,每年的能源费用为1万美元. 这些项目包括Knapp中心的新照明系统, 在校园内安装LED灯, 以及网球中心的太阳能电池板, 哪些计划在今年夏天安装. Thanks to a generous matching gift from the Lorentzen’s and support from 校友 and friends, 威尼斯人网上娱乐充分保证了使这些项目成为现实所需的资金. 这是共同愿景的结果, 威尼斯人网上娱乐离实现其碳减排目标又近了一步.
XFacilities Planning and Management has continued to keep sustainability a priority with the adding of five 福特E-Transit vans to our fleet. 这些货车是100%电动的,将帮助威尼斯人网上娱乐减少我们的碳足迹. 关于新E-Vans的有趣事实:
o 更低的维护成本,比汽油驱动的货车少40%
o 认证为零尾气排放车辆
o Battery (400V lithium-ion) is located under the body to maximize cargo space and provides 126 miles of range
Brent and Diane Slay partnered with Drake to create the Slay Fund for Social Justice, 由蕾妮·克莱默教授执导. 这是校园里第一个致力于社会正义问题的正式组织. The Slay’s generosity has provided numerous students with experiential learning opportunities and connected Drake with Des Moines community non-profit agencies. 通过斯莱一家的支持, Law Professor Brent Pattison was awarded a grant to support an innovative project called #KnowJustice, in which Drake 法学院 students teach in-need youth about their civil liberties through art. Volunteers from the Drake 法学院 Legal Clinic facilitate workshops on school policies, 少年法庭, 和移民, and encourage the children to express themselves and illustrate their understanding of what they learned through art.